Digital Advertising

Advertise Where the People Are:

Using Search Engines and Social Media

Paid Search Engine Results Ads & Display Ads

Google holds 84% of the search market share and practically everyone who searches. We carefully research the queries they use to find brands like yours.

Bing is the default for devices that run Microsoft, with about 36% of desktop users. Their audience tends toward 45 plus, B2B, college-educated, wealthier, and family-oriented.

93% of website visits now begin with an online search. Over half search online to learn about brands, products, and services before buying.

Paid search and display ads appear in search results and on websites that sell ad space to search engines.

Reach people with the right message at the right stage in the customer’s journey.

  • Awareness – Target problem-based keywords to increase the frequency in which you appear to make you seem more familiar to your audience.
  • Consideration – Target solution-based keywords that lead to relevant landing pages where you convert visitors to leads.
  • Sales & CLV – Leverage retargeting ads to get people who visited your site to return and buy.

71% of People in the U.S. are Using Social Media

Social networks have transformed the landscape of paid marketing outreach and they’re a must-do platform for any business needing to target consumers and business clients. But, which platform do you choose? We’ll, that depends.

Social Media Networks


Facebook is the No. 1 social platform with over 3B users worldwide. Ads purchased through Facebook Ads can appear on Facebook and Instagram natively in the feed, or in designated ad space as well as Messenger and partner websites.

Target your brand’s audience geographically and demographically, plus choose behavioral characteristics associated with your brand. Facebook’s primary audience is women 30 – 64 and less affluent than other platforms.

Use display ads, links to web content, video reels, and stories.


Instagram specializes in imagery and short video formats. It has 1.4B users worldwide, equating to about 24% of mobile Internet users. It’s most popular among women, ages 18-34, with equal high school and college educations.

83% of recently surveyed users say Instagram helps them find things they want to buy.

The best way to use this platform is bold imagery, short videos, and stories, influencer sponsorships and more.


LinkedIn is a social media platform where professionals go to connect, learn, and share. The platform has over 700 million members, of which 60% are ages 25-34.

These business and working professionals are highly affluent and the medium is growing an average of 20% over the last few years.

It’s the ideal place to reach decision-makers for B2B products and services, and professionals looking for services to enhance their careers.


TikTok is a high-adrenaline, short-video-based social media platform with over 1B active users. Over half are 18 and 24, with many under 18 using the platform.

36% of users want to learn about unknown brands and 55% use it to research brands they’re considering. 66% of users frequently buy things they see on TikTok.

To perform well on this platform, you can’t take yourself too seriously. Try these to target different stages of the customer journey.

X / Twitter

Twitter is a fast paced medium with trending topics and influencers. Use targeting options by specifying demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Create engaging ad content with compelling visuals and clear, concise messaging. Utilize hashtags and trends to enhance visibility.

Test ad formats, like promoted tweets, videos, and carousel ads, to find what works best.


YouTube is the second largest social platform behind Facebook with unlimited creative potential. You can define your campaign goals, using brand awareness, website traffic, or sales, plus target demographics and interests with keywords.

Choose TrueView ads, bumper ads, or display ads, depending on your objectives and budget.

Craft engaging videos that capture attention within the first few seconds.

Advertising in Controlled Channels

Social Media Allows Advanced Targeting

Paid Advertising through Google or Bing search engines allow a business to target individuals actively searching for information relevant to the business goals for conversion.

Advertising on social media platforms allows a business to tightly target their potential prospects, based on location, demographics, user behaviors, and other parameters.

Social platforms are also chosen for the best way to creatively demonstrate a business’ brand identity and messaging.

It’s important for businesses to be strategic and determine which platform will provide the best ROI. And then test results, modify tactics, and test some more.

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