Email Marketing

Email is an Important

Tactic in Digital Marketing

Your Opt-In Email Recipients are the Warmest Prospects You Have

Every day, over 4 million people send and receive emails. And mobile users prefer permission-based email over any other method brands use to reach customers.

Of course, you must combine email marketing with other strategies to build a high-value permission-based list. But it is well worth your while.

Email marketing has an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent. It far exceeds the ROI of every other marketing method (digital, traditional, and guerilla) out of the water.

Analysts estimate email alone generates over $10 billion in sales for businesses like yours every year.

Manage an Effective Email Campaign

Email campaign management involves managing day-to-day emails. We’ll then test, analyze, and optimize to continually improve your rate of success.

When surveyed, email marketers named email automation (71%), email segmentation (78%), and email personalization (72%) as the three most important methods to improve the effectiveness of your email marketing.

Email Automation

Using specialized technology to automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error rates, achieve perfect timing, and enhance user experience.

Email Segmentation

Dividing subscribers into groups, based on demographics and behaviors, to deliver the most relevant content to each group.

Email Personalization

Personalizing emails to adapt to the individual, their past behaviors, and where they are on the customer journey to further enhance the relevance of content they see.

Email Audit & Strategy

An email audit will outline how well your current email marketing is performing, highlighting areas you can improve to skyrocket performance.

We’ll help you build a permission-based email list filled with people who want what you have.

We can deliver highly relevant email content to the right audience at the right frequency to keep them engaged and subscribed.

Email Deliverability

You could be a spammer and not know it.

Modern email platforms are smart and potential mindfield for businesses.

If an individual subscriber doesn’t open your emails, the platform can redirect future communications to the spam or junk folder. And, some look at open rates across subscribers to flag potential spammers.

Expert Email Consultants

Factors like relevance, frequency, and subscriber list quality all impact deliverability. Your big secret to success here is to turn it over to the experts in automation, segmentation, personalization, testing, analytics, and optimization.

At Pineapple Digital, we can help you put together email campaigns to foster engagement and customer loyalty. 

Email: More Conversion Content

Use Email to Increase Sales Conversions

Emails are most effective with consistent, high-value content that your email subscribers find useful. Offer subscription options where the user chooses their frequency of emails.

81% of marketers say newsletter content is a great tool for embedded content. But you can also direct subscribers back to your website to view more content like blog posts, videos, interactive content, and special offers.

This content is specifically designed to nurture subscribers through the customer journey. Turn a lukewarm lead into hot, hotter, and hottest. Turn existing customers into repeat customers, who also tell their networks.

To accomplish this, you must learn who your audience is and what types of content meet these goals. Test, analyze, and optimize.

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