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Lifestyle Tag

Pineapple Digital Marketing Services / Posts tagged "Lifestyle"

How to Leverage Search Intent in Your Content Creation

In their never-ending effort to improve the user experience, Google has yet again updated its algorithm. This time around, they’re putting the spotlight on search intent above all else.  So, if you’re used to using old-school keyword tricks to drive traffic, it’s time to change things up with the quickness. Otherwise, you’re going to end up left up behind and scrambling to avoid getting blacklisted forevermore.  If that doesn’t sound at all like what you need in your life, you’ll be glad to hear that search intent isn’t so scary. In fact, all it entails is leaving the trickery behind in favor of focusing on what your audience truly needs.  Ready to make that happen by stepping into the future of content marketing? Here’s what you need to know about using search intent to guide your content creation efforts.  What is Search Intent – and Why Does It Matter? Although it sounds complex, search intent...